Bill West, MBA, ICE-CCP

As a senior market leader and consultant in the assessment industry, Bill brings his passion for developing trusted relationships and being an extension of clients’ missions to his role as GSX’s Executive Vice President of Business Development. His focus for GSX is aligning needs, helping credentialing organizations access GSX’s capabilities to build programs that advance their value to the professions they serve, create resilient workforces, support stakeholders, and advance careers.

Bill has spent the majority of his career in operational and sales roles for test administration and credential management organizations, as well as an NCCA-accredited non-profit credentialing association. Roles have included: customer service, program management, business development, operations, and strategy. In these roles, Bill launched and managed numerous national and global assessment programs across the higher education industry, U.S. federal government, local governments, corporate hiring & advancement, and professional credentialing sectors. While serving in these capacities, Bill assisted clients with expanding their programs, implementing strategic partnerships, and developing new markets.

As a very active contributor to assessment industry associations, conferences and committees, Bill served on the board of directors for the Association of Test Publishers (ATP) and the Certification Network Group (CNG).  He currently serves on the National Advisory Board for the Credential As You Go (CAYG), as the Chair of the Certification & Licensure division of the Association of Test Professionals (ATP), and as the Vice Chair of the board of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE), who is the owner of the NCCA accreditation standard.

Bill holds an MBA from Augsburg University, a B.A. in English and religion from St. Olaf College, and achieved the Institute for Credentialing Excellence Certified Credentialing Professional (ICE-CCP) certification.

Bill has deep roots in his local community and enjoys anything that involves spending time with his wife and kids, the brisk Minnesota winters, oh and yes, he is an avid sports enthusiast.  Trusted relationships are vital to him personally and professionally, which is one of the top reasons why he loves the assessment industry and the important work being done by organizations like GSX.

  1. Church
  2. Family
  3. Efforts to prevent and stop human trafficking
  4. Encouraging others and speaking life into others
  5. Trusted Relationships
  1. Anything with my kids
  2. Walks with my wife
  3. Nordic skiing
  4. Hockey
  5. Tennis

Insights from Bill

Using a Competency Model to Ensure Minimal Competency When Recertifying Certification Holders
Credentialing Insights: Innovative Assessment Strategies—Are They Accessible to Test-takers With Disabilities?
Credentialing Insights: Future-proofing Certification
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